The following material was first published in my post, Generous Genealogists, on 2 October 2011:
Over on Google+, I've circled a number of genealogists, and through them, I'm finding more genealogists around the world. This blog post by Judy Webster is just so wonderful that I wanted to share it with you:
Genealogy Leftovers: Genealogists for Families: keeping the memory alive...: "For as long as I can remember, my father set aside a small sum of money that he would periodically lend to a hard-working person in need of short-term help. We called it his 'Do Good Money'. Dad passed away last year at the age of ninety, and I want to honour his memory by continuing his tradition. I have just found an easy way to do so."
Her post goes on to describe the non-profit organisation Kiva, and invites her readers to join her Kiva lending team, Genealogists for Families.
I hope that you will read her lovely post and consider joining her team. It would be lovely if this team could grow to include genealogists from around the world and to become a family tradition for all of our families.